Gandhi is distraught and yells "Ganghis - what happened here?" ... no answer, nothing, silence, no animal sounds, just some slight wind blowing through the leafless branches.
Gandhi finally tracks down an Egyptian historian who is busy researching the mighty civilization that was destroyed. The historian fills him in on what he believes took place ...
The oldest documents I could find indicate that the rightful leader left his brother in charge with certain instructions. This brother executed these instructions as best he could, with some success. Unfortunately, he was visited by the ALF (Animal Liberation Front) who seemed to have convinced him that the best way to protect the animals was to pen them, make them work the land, slaughter them for food, clothes, etc. The records indicate that he had some crazy long term plan of taking the animals with him to another world where man does not exist and *really* setting the animals free.
This leader quickly met his neighbours ...
- Monezuma in 3840BC
- Frederick in 3640BC
- Cyrus in 3360BC
- Huayna Capac in 3240BC
- Hatshepsut in 3200BC
- Tokugawa in 2520BC
We also have some early records that indicated that he was exploring his surroundings, both with slow warriors and extra quick workers.
He seems to have given up on the idea of exploring too much with the extra quick workers due to their inability to survive in the wild (panthers, lions, bears, etc). It seems that he also gave up on searching for more religions ...
Other historians have argued that these failures caused him to lose confidence in the instructions he had been left. He swapped to slavery, set his research to animal slavery and also started to put cultural pressure on some of his neighbours.
My theory is that he started to panic at this stage as he found himself surrounded by other civilizations who were more advanced ...
He had discovered copper, mined it but for some unknown reason, he hadn't build a road to his cities so the most powerful army he could construct was full of clubmen. The records that I have recovered from neighbouring civilizations indicate that Huayna Capac declared war on him in 425BC and attacked his cities with swordsmen ...
There is some confusion in the records because suddenly he had axemen on defense and that he even gained a chariot. My belief is that the Aztec city of Tlateolco revolted to the Indian civilization due to Delhi's outstanding culture. It also appears that he was able to trade information with other civilizations and gained access to additional abilities including Iron Working. The two southern cities had been over-run by Huayna and your brother had lost his access to the Southern copper. Luckily, his northern source in the desert was still available to him and he had finally instructed his workers to road and mine the road. His remaining cities started to build axemen.
Here is some new documents that I just uncovered today. It appeared that he might survive the onslaught, but these new documents explain an event that was always clouded in mystery ... it now appears that Monezuma declared war on your brother in 100BC. By 25BC, the Northern copper mine had been pillaged and enemy troops were at the door of Delhi. The iron at Bangalore (to the West of Delhi) had been mined, but never roaded.
Extrodinary efforts were made to put any sort of defense on the walls of Dehli. Ordinary citizens were pushed into the Archery division of the army. There were several battles at Delhi but nothing really decisive. That condition existed until 75AD when there was a co-ordinated attack with the Incan units attacking but being pushed back, losing 6 units. However, this left the defenders of Delhi exhausted and that night, the Aztec's attacked and captured Dehli. Your civilization was down to one city. There are scattered records that indicate that some of the residents of Dehli were able to escape at the last minute. Various scolars had scoffed at that suggestion but I happen to know that it is true.
It appears that your brother had tried to sign a peace deal with Huayna Capac but he had insisted that your brother had to give up his war city, Bangalore. Your brother was unwilling to do that and so the war continued. He tried again after the loss of Delhi but Huayna Capac was not interested in any sort of peace deal. Montazuma never accepted any sort of direct contact and so peace was never discussed. A few years later, Montazuma was able to over-run Bandalore and the Indian civilization was destroyed.
Gandhi had been sitting with his head in his hands for the last half of this report with the occasional sigh. At this last statement, he raised his head ...
"Are you sure about all of this? What about those few citizens of Dehli that might have escaped ... was there ever any news of them?
Yes ... unfortunately, I am sure about the history that I have just relayed to you. And YES, there were survivors ... because my sister's husband is one of those that fled!