The following is a short description of a (slightly) interesting bridge hand. I start by introducing the hand and then suggesting how you might want to play it.
AKxxx |
xxx |
East starts with the Ace and King of Hearts, then switchs to the King of Daimonds.
Prospects are not looking good, you have a certain loser in Spades and a
loser in Diamonds and maybe a loser in Hearts The only way this contract is making is if the following all apply:
The Play
I've included the first two tricks for completeness ...
- [East with the Ace of Hearts]
- [East with the King of Hearts]
... now, you step up and take control ...
- Win the Ace of Diamonds
- Ace Spades (mistake here to ruff a heart as you could get over-ruffed)
- King Spades (hopefully both opps have followed)
- King Clubs
- Small Club to the Ace
- Queen Club (discarding Diamond - again, hopefully both opps have followed suit)
- Jack Club (discarding Heart)
What happened? You started with 4 losers and you ensured that the opps made two of their winners on the same trick (the master trump and the Diamond).