The following is a short description of a (slightly) interesting bridge hand. I start by introducing the hand and then suggesting how you might want to play it.
Lead (East): K |
This contract looks really exciting - a 28 HCP slam! Counting losers comes up with
1 Club and 1 Heart - 1 too many. You can take the 50/50 bet with the Heart finesse,
but is this the best way? Take note of the Club King lead. It is a fairly strong chance that East also holds the Club Queen (can you image yourself leading the King without the Ace, Queen or Jack?). If that is the case then you can use a 'strip and throw in' technique (also called an elimination play) to embarrass East. |
The way to set East up is by using a 'Strip and Throw In'. Basically, you draw trumps then strip the 'safe' exit cards by removing all other cards from both declarer and dummy (Diamonds in the above example) and then lead a small Club (the throw in). This will leave East on lead having to lead up to your AQ of Hearts of lead either a Club or a Diamond for a ruff and discard.
The Play
- Win the Club Ace
- Spades Ace
- Spades King
- Diamond Ace
- Diamond King
- Ruff a Diamond
- Lead a Club to the Jack
And the rest of the tricks are yours. He either has to lead a heart up to your AQ or a minor which gives you a ruff and discard. The 'trick' is to eliminate East's save exit cards. Lead a Club while you still have a Diamond in your hand and you cannot discard the losing Heart in Dummy when East exits with a Diamond. |