Ruff_Hi's Antics

All Happiness is the Release of Internal Pressure


Thanks to ...


Carrot's Web site

Carrot's Epic 8 & 9 reports got me thinking about doing my own web site from the ground up. His site was nice and simple, elegant and clean. I really liked the way it was put together. His std.css (used with permission) file formed the basis of mine.



This is the website that gave me lots on css help. In particular, the menu css file that drives my drop down menus.



Redemption in a Blog

This is the website that helped me track down the issue of tool tips for non links using IE. There were lots of websites for tooltips using links but that was a little bit restrictive. So, now, with the appropriate code ... ... I can add a tooltip to anything I want to.



Well, I guess I don't mean to thank this forum for its help with my site, rather ... I would like to thank Dan (Rex - whatever) for his review and feedback. His most helpful comment was "Don't let anyone tell you that your ugly web site is ugly. Its your website, it is allowed to be ugly".


Note: This page requires 'active content' if you are running IE to display some hover tooltips.