Ruff_Hi's Antics

All Happiness is the Release of Internal Pressure

Civ IV Succession Games

This page contains a list of the succession games that I have played (including a brief description). A succession game is a game played between 5 or 6 people where the first player plays a set number of turns and then passes it to player 2. Between playing, there is usually lots of discussion about that is happening and evolving in the game as well as some general discussion about the (both good and bad) play of the various players.


Fox-04 -- The Prime Directive

Trekkies (or Trekkers) unite. We are founding the Federation and must bring our brotherly love and appriciation of everything StarTrek to all comers. Discussion is here.


Chaos SG 2 AND Chaos SG 3

Chaos SG is back but this time, we are running two SGs in the same thread - I need to keep asking which save I should be playing. Very confusing! The so-called discussion can be found here.


Ruff05 - Team SG

A team based SG using the 'hot seat' concept. We have four civs that are locked in battle with another team of 4 AI controlled civs. For some unknown reason we are currently going on a wonder blitz. We ended up losing the game badly, mainly because we fiddle farted around, didn't build defense and were trying to act a bit too much like a team. The discussion can be found here.


Ruff04 - Anger Management

We sell Anger Management courses. However, we currently have no clients. So, we must make clients. Angry citizens, angry AIs, doesn't matter. The discussion can be found here. This game was abandoned ... it sort of lost momentum.


CTIV-9: The Academians

The second SG of ChrTh's that I have played in. We must have a science academy in each city by games end (we did). The discussion thread can be found here. We are currently <7 turns from a space launch.


CTIV-9: The Academians

The second SG of ChrTh's that I have played in. We must have a science academy in each city by games end (we did). The discussion thread can be found here. We are currently <7 turns from a space launch.


SGOTM 01 - Chaos

The first of the CivFanatic's SG of The Month (but actually more like 2 or 3 months ... don't ask). We played as Team Chaotica but this time (because we wanted to actually win), our play was superb while our reporting style was chaotic. I was the artist and spent my time taking pictures and generally complaining about other people's poor colour sense. Full discussion, in all its glory, can be found here. We won the game but not the event.


Ruff03 - AW Middle Ages

Who wants to tech all the time? This game had nothing to research and required a mod to remove research and cottages. It was all about war in the middle ages ... maces, crossbows, knights, pikes and longbows. The discussion can be found here. Even though we killed off a huge number of enemy units, we were over-run by superior numbers.


n0x-02 - OCC Cultural Victory

Someone had won a cultural victory in an OCC game and this SG set out to explore this concept. Fun game, very quick turns. We even turned around 5 complete turns in the space of 4 hours at one point (IIRC). The discussion can be found here. We won by culture.


Prince, (Noble/Prince players) just win!

A fairly good, fun SG that was just about winning. We seemed to have lots of on-again, off-again wars with Monty. The discussion thread can be found here. BTW ... we won!


Ruff02 - Concurrent Succession Game

The second of my SGs. We had approximately 8 players split into two teams of 4. Everyone in the team played a set and reported back. Then everyone voted on the 'best' set and the next team played from that. It is sort of like team golf. The discussion thread can be found here. There is lots of good stuff about whipping and drafting in this game. Easy UN victory.


USSG 01 - Polar Bears

A game about being cold and keeping cold. We could not found a city more than 17 tiles from the poles. The thread can be found here. This SG died.


Chaos I

A stupidly fun SG where everyone had a character and had to stay in character ... pushover, prankster, artist, whipping boy, ... The full chaotic thread can be found here Everyone blamed me when Catherine wiped us out, but all I did was give her a city when she asked - I just couldn't resist the hair toss.


CTIV-5: Peacenik Re-education Camp

A SG Training camp for those peaceniks out there. We are at war, but not with everyone, just one civ at a time and in the order we meet them. The Chinese the the lucky first candidate. The discussion thread is here. I personally learnt a lot about war fare and the benefits of whipping. In the end, WW killed us and we had to break our SG rules. We were obviously trying for a conquest victory - achieved a time victory after France became too much to kill off.


Fox01 - Post War Japan

This SG had us as Japan playing under the military restrictions that Japan currently faces (no units outside their borders). The game discussion can be found here We won by space victory in 1966.


Ruff01 - May the Best Suitor Win

This was the first SG where I was the captain. The idea behind this game was also mine. The basic approach was that we had to win the girls over to our side. We were up against 4 other gents trying to win the love of 4 Catherine, Isabella, Hatty and Elizabeth. The game can be found here We won by diplomacy in 1932 with a whopping 75% of the votes.


Europa Europa SG

This is an SG played under the Europa Europa mod. It was very strange not knowing exactly what was going on. In the end, this SG short of just died away. The thread is here.


Friendly, fun, noob Game

This game was a romp in the park and was lots of fun. It was my first full SG and a great bunch of people to play it with. The link to the game can be found here. We won by culture in 1955.


The Rise of the Machines

I was a late entry on this game. The basic premise was that we could only build machines (catapults, cannons, artillery, tanks, etc). All other units had to be whipped from scratch. The link to the game can be found here. We won by conquest in 1686.