Ruff_Hi's Antics

All Happiness is the Release of Internal Pressure

Linda Carpenter Memorial Tournament (3 / 3)

Jon said in part of his reply to my results report that ...

I think Ruff's civ was visited by aliens who gave him advanced technology. It was another great game by Ruff. I think I had established 3 cities and was deploying a 4th city on an iron tile, when the main attack began. He had killed two scout units that I had watching his border region, but wasn't able to do anything about it. My cities were defended with axemen and Holkans, his victories would've been a lot more costly without his catapults.

I wasn't exactly sure what Jon meant by the 'advanced tech' comment. All I had was maths, horseback riding and construction. I later picked up Iron working to clear some jungle. I took Jon's comment to mean that he couldn't believe the number of units I was producing.

Now I don't think that I am a MP expert - I know of lots of people who would totally wipe the floor with me. If you want to improve your MP game, then you should read the fast moves - those guys really know what they are talking about.

The one trick that I really exploited in my LCMT games was the double whip. At quick speed, 1 single population whip yields 20 hammers. War elephants cost 40, catapults cost 33, axes cost 26. Say you have a city that is producing 8 hammers. You can build a cat in 5 turns - way too slow. So - what you do is put your 8 hammers into the cat, then double whip it ... the cat goes from 8 hammers to 48 (plus what ever is produced in the city). Thus you get 1 cat and (say) 20 hammers overflow. That is enough to produce an axe (with another turn of production). Sure - you have some whip anger, but that expires after 6 turns. So you regrow the 2 pop that you whipped away and then repeat.

Here is a perfect example ... I just whipped 3 elephants and a catapult (red highlighted insert) and you can see my cities are down from size 5 to 3 but they are able to produce axes from the overflow.

Right - the units are coming. What else do I need to do? A few things ... clear a path for them and road so that they can get to the front quicker. Jon had scouts and chariots watching me. That will not do ...

... so I killed the scout and picked off the chariot with a Horse Archer. Lucky for me, Jon didn't have any road infrastructure to strike back at my HA, but he did have the right idea (watching the enemy). A point that I recently forgot in a game against Nate when he snuck up and killed my musketeers with his cavalry.

In the end, Jon got rolled by more and stronger units ...

So - have I given away all of my secrets? I don't think so .