Ruff_Hi's Antics

All Happiness is the Release of Internal Pressure

Game Report: Epic 7 - Mano v Mano (3/3)

Well, after a lot of consideration, I decided to ... raze all his non core cities - watch my map of the world grow over these few years ... and watch my score v his!

After this, I dialed up Alex and checked on his terms for peace ...

He still hasn't read the rules on this game. Actually, truth be told, I had to go back and check if I could take that city - I knew I couldn't land units on his island but I wasn't sure about taking a city. Answer: NOPE. I had to unselect the city and then sign for peace. And that was the effective end of Alex off his island. He did found a few cities (towns really) and sail some units out, but each of them got removed post-haste. I was keeping an eye on his units (he had rifles while I still had maces - the funny thing about superior land units is that they aren't much chop when they are on a galley and you are fighting the galley with a highly promoted caravel or galley your self. I build a few wonders (Parthenon in 1400AD, The Hagia Sophia in 1784AD) and discovered a few techs (one notable one was Steam Power that made The Hagia Sophia obsolete in 1828AD - wow, I got 44 years of service from that wonder). I was teching towards to destroyers (these would really keep him on his island) when I noticed this screen (I don't really remember why I was checking it - it might have been checking how close to a cultural win he was) ...

Wow - I didn't realize I was that close to domination victory. Well, a few settlers and a Great Person Artist that I had lying around later ...